Familiar, flexible,

Get unlimited workbooks, dashboards, and automated queries.
Just choose the connectors you need.

Get started
Pricing is based on seats...


$39/mo per seat

  • Full-featured spreadsheet
  • Unlimited workbooks & dashboards
  • Warehouse powered by Snowflake
  • Views & view dependencies
  • 500k rows per sheet
  • 100+ formulas
  • Live collaboration & comments
  • SQL editor & query builder
  • Saved & scheduled queries
  • Push dashboards to email & Slack
  • AI Assist (while in beta)
  • Calculated columns & auto-expand
  • Smart charts & pivot tables
  • Command bar & alt-mode shortcuts
  • Workbook datasources
+ your choice of connectors.

Essential connectors

$99/mo each

  • Import scripts
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQL Server

Standard connectors

$299/mo each

  • BigQuery
  • Redshift
  • Snowflake
  • 1 HubSpot
  • 1 Intercom
  • 1 Quickbooks
  • d Salesforce
  • Stripe
  • 2 Xero
  • 1 Zendesk

Enterprise connectors

Custom pricing

  • Amplitude
  • d Mixpanel
  • p NetSuite
  • 1 Segment
  • 1 Shopify

Helping the most successful startups make better decisions with their data.

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Equals Enterprise

For large companies with bespoke needs.

  • Custom builds

    Work with us to extend Equals to fit your needs.

  • SSO & SAML

    Authenticate users with your centralized SSO system.

  • Connectors

    Get access to our full suite of enterprise connectors.

  • Tailored pricing

    We can tailor pricing to your organization's unique needs.

  • Infosec reviews

    Ensure compliance with your internal security standards.

  • Dedicated support

    Get a dedicated account manager and support team.

Equals Experts

Your fast track to
first-class reporting

Our team of analytics pros is on deck to help with custom implementation, model building, and reporting automation.

Learn more