- Improved pivot tables by showing original field name for renamed values in settings.
- Improved pivot tables by opening the selection modal when adding a value as a filter.
- Improved query error messages for when queries hit timeout limits.
- Improved copy-pasting charts such that duplicate chart placement is more intuitive.
- Improved infinity sheets by displaying last run timestamp.
- Improved aesthetics of the toolbar by increasing padding and standardizing color.
- Improved charts by adding the ability to sort on X axis values.
- Improved error handling for incorrectly formatted IF statements referencing infinity sheets.
- Fixed an issue with opening the Top of Funnel template.
- Fixed QuickBooks queries to fail if no data is returned from the API.
- Fixed aesthetic issues with the “Only” pill in pivot table filters.
- Fixed an issue where retired connectors may be accessible from datasources page.
- Fixed an issue where dashboards may not open due to conditional formatting over undefined cells.
- Fixed an aesthetic issue with dashboard hero metric configuration drop downs.
- Fixed an issue where clicking go to source on dashboard hero metrics may not direct user correctly.
- Fixed an issue where navigating back from a View when multiple tabs open may return to different workspace.
- Fixed an issue where infinity sheets may display download as CSV option.
- Fixed an issue where freeze panes may crash a workbook.
- Fixed an issue with copy-paste shortcut where it may paste values instead of formula.
- Fixed an issue where copying a chart may not maintain all configurations in duplicate.
- Fixed an issue where hyperlink output may render oddly if contents include brackets.
- Fixed an issue where charts referencing #REF errored cells may crash workbook.
- Fixed an issue where switching between series in a chart may not update series name.
- Fixed an issue where conditional formatting may not update in filtered dashboards.
- Fixed an issue where inserting a row above a hyperlink may move the link down.